Thursday, March 8, 2012

krewe of gemini

an idea for a poster for my old krewe.  This poster like the LSU one uses my family pics where as the real one i see  using Mardi Gras pics from krewe events.  This mosaic has a 0% color change of the background pics

this was the first one i did before i cut the worthless sides off


LSU mosaic

So i had an idea for an LSU picture using the eye of a tiger, for the test i used the same population pictures from my other pictures.  I would want to use pictures from tailgating at LSU games.  I also messed around with the color bleed from background picture.  This picture has 60% color change of the population pics

This is the same picture with 0% color change

Family Mosaic

This is the picture i decided to go with for my mom

me and sis fixed

So i was trying to think of a gift for my mom, and was thinking of using this picture made up of pictures of me and my sister growing up.

First Mosaic

haha not to good

my mosaics

So i found this program and it allows me to make mosaics here are some of my creations